Items to distract the endless onslaught of enemies in Zombies in Modern Warfare will be crucial for survival, and the iconic Cymbal Monkeys are back yet again, but obtaining these may be elusive to some players.
Modern Warfare Zombies: How To Get Cymbal Monkeys
Players who have ventured into the Zombies game mode in the past know all too well about these iconic monkeys, and it’s nice to see them back within Modern Warfare Zombies.
The new open-world adventure has some nice touches added by Infinity Ward, including the re-addition of features such as Wonder Weapons, and the Cymbal Monkey will be vital for survival.
Players can obtain it through numerous methods, and one of these is by looting the Aether Loot Cache after completing one of the Infested Strongholds.
Related: How to get and use all Aether Tool rarities in Modern Warfare Zombies (MWZ)

Another way to snag one of these Cymbal Monkeys is to loot it via the Mystery Box, however, the chances of doing so are very slim, so keep this in mind when hoping for one.
You never know if today is your lucky day, and we’ve seen players pull the new Wonder Weapons out of the box, so there’s always a chance for something incredible.
If you do land one in your inventory, it will play a vital role in your survival, as players will be able to toss them wherever they want, and all the zombies will sprint toward it until it detonates. It’s a classic zombie survival technique that has been around since the dawn of the game mode, so it’s lovely to see Infinity Ward implement it.
In the meantime, be sure to check out our other Modern Warfare Zombies articles here, for all the tips and tricks you need to master.
Published: Nov 10, 2023 11:25 am