While you can get most of your basic needs fulfilled by harvesting wild resources in Manor Lords, trading with other regions is the most effective way to ensure that your settlement has everything it needs.
The trading system in Manor Lords is frustratingly obtuse for new players, though, and building a strong economy can feel like a pipe dream when you’re first starting out. There’s no need to worry, though, since importing and exporting goods to amass Regional Wealth is surprisingly simple once you learn the ropes.
What is Regional Wealth in Manor Lords?

Regional Wealth is the main currency in Manor Lords. You can use it to import goods and upgrade buildings like Burgage Plots with amenities and new features. You start out with a solid chunk of Regional Wealth to kickstart your settlement’s growth, but your funds will quickly dry up.
There are a few ways to get Regional Wealth in Manor Lords. First, any upgraded Burgage Plots will automatically contribute to your Regional Wealth each month. Level two Burgage Plots will generate one Regional Wealth each, and their contributions increase with more upgrades. You can also tax your citizens after building a Manor, although this will lower your Approval Rating.
The best way to generate Regional Wealth in Manor Lords is through trade. After establishing a trade route, you can sell off your excess goods for a profit. Not all goods are created equal, and each trade route has an upfront cost associated with it.
How to Trade in Manor Lords

To trade in Manor Lords, you first need to build a Trading Post and assign someone to it. Then, you can click on it and navigate to the Trade tab to select a trade route. You can see all of the resources in the game from raw materials like stone to processed goods like weapons and food along with their import and export prices.
To begin selling goods, you need to click on the icon to the right to establish a trade route. This costs some Regional Wealth and the prices vary depending on the goods, so you’ll still need to invest some money before you can start making more. Upgrade your Burgage Plots and grow your population to get some passive income if you need it, and start selling cheaper materials if you can’t afford the more expensive trade routes.
Published: Apr 26, 2024 11:30 am