If you’re like me and you like to 100 percent game, then you’ll want to read this guide. There are tons of challenges in Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League, most of which you’ll miss out on doing on your first try. However, you can replay missions or chapters you’ve unlocked, and I’m going to show how to do that in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. In turn, those challenges may become easier on your second run.
Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League: How to replay chapters
When you increase the difficulty, that will give you a reason to go back re do certain missions to get more XP. Replaying missions can easily be done in the Squad Menu. On the left bar, you can select which chapter you want to play plus whichever mission you want to redo. You can only replay missions you’ve done before.Â

On top of that, the game doesn’t exit once you’re done. Once you beat the mission, you’ll continue playing from that point onwards. A good tip for replaying missions is to try adding more stakes to the fight by making things harder. The more you stress out in the game, the better the rewards are.
Related: How to increase Shield Harvest chance in Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League
When would be a good time to replay missions?
For me, I’m quickly going through the main mission first, plus doing any of the side missions. Then when I’m done with the game, I can quickly go back and redo missions at certain points that trigger certain missions to start. That way I can quickly farm XP without having to do any main missions. Then if you choose to, you can pick up the storyline from that point — or continue where you left off last. But with that being said, I recommend doing this after you beat the main game. You’ll be able to get all the challenges easily after that point.
There’s more to do when you beat Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League like Master guns. Find out how here to get these powerful weapons.
Suicide Squad Kill the Justice League is available now via Steam, Xbox Series X/S, and PS5.
Published: Feb 5, 2024 04:13 pm