One of Elizabeth’s Requests is for you to find a Rose Bouquet in Persona 3 Reload. And after hours of only buying weapons and working part-time in a cafe, you may be stuck figuring out where to buy flowers. Well, here’s everything you need to know about that.
How to get Rose Bouqet in Persona 3 Reload
The Rose Bouquet is located in a store called Rafflesia. Now if you’re anything like me, you might be very confused at this point because you’ve never even seen this store. And that’s because the shop is located around Port Island Station. A location that you haven’t had much reason to visit at this point in the game.
Rafflesia is located just down the stairway next to where you’ll load in. Then just turn to the left and you’ll see the small flower store in the corner. You can also look to the minimap to see a flower icon. This is where Rafflesia will be in Persona 3 Reload and the Rose Bouquet will cost 2,000 Yen. That’s a pretty steep price to pay to fulfill another of Elizabeth’s weird requests.

You’ll want to make a mental note of this store after this point for a few reasons. For one, you can buy Buff Potato Sprouts here which can be grown on the roof of the Student Dormitory. But the other reason is that these items here are used to gain favor with many of Persona 3 Reload’s romance options. Each character will prefer different items and there’s a lot to go through. But either way, definitely try to keep this place in mind.
That about does it for finding the Rose Bouquet in Persona 3 Reload. Elizabeth has dozens of other weirdly specific requests to dive into though. Some are thankfully pretty easy, while others tend to be a little trickier. Finding a Juzumaru is one request that can be a little annoying if you aren’t paying attention to Tartarus much.
Published: Feb 6, 2024 12:47 pm