Managing your reputation with each of the galaxy’s crime Syndicates is a huge part of Star Wars Outlaws, and the best way to increase your favor with each of them is by completing jobs for them. Minor contracts help here and there, but bigger opportunities like The Broker can drastically change your standing with a Syndicate.
The Broker is one of the first big side missions that you’ll receive in Star Wars Outlaws. Available shortly after leaving Toshara to start recruiting your crew, The Broker sees Kay and ND-5 returning to Toshara to obtain a clam from a deal gone wrong between Crimson Dawn and the Pykes. This quest has two major choices will affect your standing with multiple groups.
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How to start The Broker quest in Star Wars Outlaws
The Broker quest begins when Kay gets a call from Danka aboard the Trailblazer after reaching Kijimi. This quest involves the Ashiga Clan, the Syndicate that calls Kijimi City home, so you’ll need to visit that planet and make contact with them before Danka will call.
When you get the call and accept the job, return to Toshara and head to the marked location to wait for the deal between the Pykes and Crimson Dawn to begin. ND-5 will show up to provide backup. A shootout will ensue shortly after, so take out the members of both gangs to continue the quest.
After clearing the area, search the nearby speeders. The clam is nowhere to be found, but ND-5 remarks that the Pykes have a chop shop nearby and their souped-up speeders look like they came from there. Hop onto your own speeder and visit the compound to find and steal the clam.
Should you bribe or refuse the Imperial officer?

With the clam in your possession, it’s time to head back to Danka to finish the job. When you meet Danka at her table, however, she won’t be alone. An Imperial officer is sitting next to her, and she demands that you give her a cut of your paycheck since that’s how things work on Toshara.
You can either bribe or refuse the Imperial officer. Neither option will affect your reputation with anyone since the Empire isn’t a Syndicate that you can influence, but your choice does have consequences.
Bribing the Imperial officer will ensure that you can leave safely, but you’ll have to hand over some Credits for safe passage. Refusing to bribe, on the other hand, will cause the officer to place a high wanted level on you as soon as you leave.
We recommend refusing to bribe because true outlaws don’t bend the knee to the likes of Imperials, but also because it’s ridiculously easy to lose a wanted level in Star Wars Outlaws. Just ride around on your speeder and avoid the main roads so you don’t run into Imperial patrols.

You need to make it all the way back to Mirogana to finish the job, and the only thing you really have to worry about is a blockade of Stormtroopers at the bridge leading to the landing pad. You can just ride right past them on your speeder, though. Make sure to sneak past the Stormtrooper at the identification checkpoint at the entrance to the city, too.
Should you give the pearl to the Ashiga Clan or Crimson Dawn?
When you make it back to Mirogana to meet Danka, you’ll be faced with another choice. Kay sneakily snagged one of the clam’s pearls when making her exit, and it’s up to you to decide where it ends up.
You can either keep the pearl for yourself, deliver it to the Ashiga Clan, or hand it over to Crimson Dawn. The best choice is to give the pearl to one of the Syndicates instead of keeping it for yourself. The reputation boost is worth way more than the Credits you could get by selling it.

The Ashiga Clan is the better choice here. Most players will already have a decent relationship with Crimson Dawn at this point in the game because of all the opportunities to boost their reputation on Toshara, and the Ashiga Clan controls large parts of Kijimi so getting on their good side is a smart move if you’re planning on returning to Kijimi City to continue your search for The Safecracker.
The pearl delivery will net you a gigantic reputation boost with your chosen faction, however, so you could choose Crimson Dawn if you want to try and max them out early to get all of their Syndicate rewards. We still think it’s a better idea to use the pearl to get a headstart with the Ashiga Clan, but you do you. There will be plenty of opportunities to boost your reputation with these two factions down the line, anyway.
Published: Aug 30, 2024 01:48 pm