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PC Invasion

The best location for your first base in Palworld

Location, location, Location!

Palworld gives you a wide-open world to enjoy with many different terrains and Pals to encounter. As you make your way, bright-eyed and eager, into Palword, the temptation is to set up and crack on immediately. However, take your time to pick the best location for your first base in Palworld. You’ll be there for a while.

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Scouting out your first base location

Jumping right out of your starting cave and building your base immediately seems like the right idea, but employ some patience, and you’ll reap the benefits later. You need to look for some key factors when finding the best location for your first base in Palworld.


First and foremost, you’ll want somewhere with a lot of wide open space. Your Palworld base location is going to start spreading out fast. It will quickly overwhelm anything that sits in its way. Try to avoid narrow areas walled in by water or cliff faces as you can’t build on these. Look for somewhere with a wide open area that you can expand into and give lots of space to your farms and production lines in Palworld.

Best location for your first base in Palworld
Screenshot: PC Invasion


Periodically, you will be attacked by evil Pals in Palworld, so you need your base to have some kind of protection from its environment. The best Palworld base will be in a location that has a choke point of some kind. Look for an area that has a mountain pass or bridge to access it. This means that when you have to build defenses, you should only have one area to worry about. This will save you from surrounding your whole base with walls and defenses.

Pick your Pals

Nobody wants bad neighbors, so make sure your base location in Palworld isn’t surrounded by very aggressive or boss Pals. If you end up building next to one of the Bosses or aggressive Pals, you will end up constantly battling them. Try to choose an area that has some easily farmable Pals that won’t start causing problems when the sun goes down.

Best location for your first base in Palworld
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Take your time picking your best base location in Palworld

You don’t need to jump straight into the base building in Palworld. Take your time to find an area you will be happy to spend quite a lot of time in. Of course, you can build another base later on, but you will spend a significant amount of time at the first base location you build in Palworld.

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Image of Leo Gillick
Leo Gillick
Leo is a Freelance Writer for PC Invasion. He has a degree in English Literature and Film Studies and more hours buried into videogames than he cares to admit. He has worked extensively in the Videogame and Travel writing industry but, as they say, get a job doing something you love and you'll never work a day in your life. He uses his writing as a means to support indefinite global travel with the current five year plan seeing him through Latin America.