The Caged Magistrate is a challenging quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. Not only do you need to get Magistrate Waldhar out of Gaol without getting thrown into Gaol yourself, but you also need to find a place with plenty of tomes as a prerequisite for getting him out.
Where to find Magistrate Waldhar in Dragon’s Dogma 2
Waldhar is located in the Vernworth Gaol and there are two ways to access it. While you can go through the Noble Quarter to walk into Gaol through the front, I recommend going in through the back because you’ll face fewer guards, and getting in and out is easier. Use the images above to help you find the back entrance to the Vernworth Gaol.
Once inside, you need to watch out for guards. When I first tried this, the guards started attacking me on sight and they eventually threw me into Gaol. Don’t make getting out of Gaol an additional step in this quest. I discovered that if you’re fast enough, the guards don’t care. If you linger in Gaol for too long, they will attack and arrest you. Go when guards aren’t around, but remember to go fast regardless.
If you’re coming into the Gaol from the back entrance, Waldhar’s cell is the last one on the left. I have the minimap direction stagnant instead of rotating, so for me, Waldhar’s cell on the map is the one on the bottom right. Again, use the images above as your guide.
After using the Gaol Key Captain Brant gives you to get into Waldhar’s cell (don’t use your Makeshift Gaol Keys), Waldhar will tell you he’s not leaving until you find him a place with plenty of tomes. The game doesn’t give you a hint as to where that may be which makes the next part very confusing.
How to find a place with plenty of tomes in Dragon’s Dogma 2

After getting stumped at this part of The Caged Magistrate quest, I talked to Captain Brant to see if he had any clues. He told me to talk to Kendrick in The Slums. You don’t need to talk to Captain Brant to continue the quest; you can just go talk to Kendrick.
To get to the place with plenty of tomes, you need to complete The Heels of History quest. Completing The Heels of History is the only way to progress The Caged Magistrate, so complete it and continue reading. This quest isn’t as confusing as The Caged Magistrate, but there are a few points that can trip you up. Follow our guide to complete it and you’ll find the place with plenty of tomes.
How to free Magistrate Waldhar from Gaol in Dragon’s Dogma 2

With The Heels of History done and the place with plenty of tomes discovered, return to Waldhar in his cell. Tell him you’ve found a place with plenty of tomes and he’ll follow you out of Gaol. In my playthrough, I ran out of Gaol and left Waldhar to fend for himself so that I didn’t get arrested. He made it out fine on his own so I’m assuming you can do the same.
When Waldhar is free from Gaol, you’ve completed The Caged Magistrate quest in Dragon’s Dogma 2. The next objective on your plate should be learning where to find all the Vocation Maisters in the game.
Published: Mar 22, 2024 10:40 am