Two in-game posters, purportedly of the final two campaigns for Left 4 Dead 2, have appeared online.Before we begin, it’s worth mentioning that these could well be fake, particularly considering the Photoshop skills that have been used to create fake posters for the original game.That aside, the two posters – which you can see below – cropped up on a Taiwanese website, and they look pretty authentic. We previously knew about The Parish, Swamp Fever, and Dark Carnival, but Dead Center and Hard Rain are new to us. The posters, of course, form the opening loading screen for each campaign and take the form of a cheesy horror B-movie.Dead Center, with the tagline “Prices Aren’t the Only Things Getting Slashed,” looks to be set in a shopping centre of some sort, while Hard Rain, bolted to the lovely tagline “Come Hell and High Water,” looks to feature, er, rain. And knee-high water. Flooding?There’s no word on the legitimacy of the posters, but a tipster has reportedly told Kotaku that they’re accurate.As for the rest of Left 4 Dead 2, we’ve got loads for you. There’s info on the recently announced Scavenge mode, we’ve got an interview with Valve’s Doug Lombardi over here, and a preview too. Australians, you might be able to play, too.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Oct 12, 2009 09:03 am