That Jump-bot is about to learn the meaning of getting shot in the face. Here is how to beat the Outlaw’s Jump-bot boss fight in Sand Land.
Sand Land: How to beat Outlaw’s Jump-bot
After you have traveled inside the Lisab Battleship’s remains, you have finally reached the last encounter of all and the reason why you have ventured into this mechanical setting: the Jump-bot. However, after being baited into thinking that it is just abandoned, Wannabe Junkers – that is, Junkers that are evil – will appear, steal Ann’s necklace, and try to use the Jump-bot against you. Nothing like deliberately destroying the very thing you have come to claim, am I right?

Anyway, this battle shouldn’t get you into too much trouble thanks to that tank you previously robbed from the King’s Army. However, I do hope you upgraded it beforehand so that you can deal more damage with your shells and machine gun bullets. If there is something I would recommend you do during this fight – besides shooting the bot, of course – is to drive in circles. Yes, you’ve read that right. You see, the Jump-bot has its classic heavy bullet shooting and secondary homing missiles. By driving in circles, you will be able to both avoid the bullets and make the missiles explode over time.

However, if you want to make things quicker, you can also shoot the missiles with either of your weapons, making them explode. This will open up way more windows for you to shoot the Jump-bot with everything you’ve got without the need to continue circling the room, so I would recommend changing to your machine gun and using it freely.

Continue to follow this loop and watch out for the Jump-bot moves. It does have another move which involves jumping on top of containers located at the room’s corners, but as long as you move away once it jumps to the room again, you will be good to go. Once you have defeated the Outlaw’s Jump-bot – which is the Wannabe Junker controlling it – you can now get back to Spindo to have it fixed and use it to jump on top of platforms that are unreachable with Beelzebub’s double jump.

Published: Apr 24, 2024 02:00 pm