Big bad Madhu is a heck of a boss in Ghostrunner 2, and he is going to have you dancing around the map like a loon. Madhu comes with three stages simultaneously that need to be beaten with some pretty clever know-how.
Beating Madhu in Ghostrunner 2
Unlike other bosses, Madhu comes with three simultaneous stages. These all feed each other and need to be defeated as soon as possible.
Stages of Madhu

Blade Madhu – This is the first stage you will come up against. He is represented by the red health bar. This Madhu will swing his giant scythe at you if you get too close.
Corrosive Madhu – You cannot attack this Madhu as he has a force field protecting him. He won’t attack you, but he will get his health back as long as he is in this state. The green health bar is for Corrosive Madhu in Ghostrunner 2.
Machine Gun Madhu – This one will attack your Ghostrunner with bombardment and a close-range machine gun. He will also push you back with a force field if you get too close. He is represented by the blue health bar.
Final Stage – Machine Gun and Blade Madhu combine for the final stage. He isn’t too hard to defeat, but you’ll need to stay aware.

In the early stages, use the center of the arena with the grapples. Attack Madhu with about three or four sword attacks before jumping across the gap. Madhu will follow you. After he lands, you have time to get another set of attacks in on Madhu with your Ghostrunner before jumping back across the gap.
Once you have whittled Madhu down in his first stage, he will jump to a corner and start his bombardment. Close the gap as fast as possible and get in close for some swipes. He will try to blast you back with a force field, but you can push through it with a dash. Get in close and attack. He will attempt to shoot you with a machine gun, but dashing behind him will avoid these.
Once you have made a significant dent in Machine Gun Madhu, he will switch to corrosive mode. In this stage, Madhu will summon a number of ground worms around the map. They will shield Madhu and are, in turn, shielded by their minions. You need to get your Ghostrunner to each of these worms and destroy their minions and then the worms as soon as possible. The longer they live, the more health Madhu gets.
Rinse and repeat until you have destroyed two of Madhu’s stages. Madhu will then switch to his final stage, which combines blades and guns. Use the techniques of jumping across the center of the map to keep him jumping after you to get those swipes in after he lands.
Published: Oct 26, 2023 07:30 am