Aether Nests are found in many places in Modern Warfare Zombies and clearing them out can get you some great rewards. I’ve found out how to enter and clear Aether Nests in MWZ, and I’m gonna let you in on the secret.
How to enter Aether Nests in Modern Warfare Zombies
Our first hurdle is getting into Aether Nests. While you can just waltz on in, you’ll take continual damage. The only way to not take damage in an Aether Nest is to wear a Gas Mask.
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Gas Masks can be found as loot in Loot Caches all over the open world. There’s no one place that has more Gas Masks than others, but I would search military areas and Strongholds to increase your chances of finding a Gas Mask quicker.
How to clear infections in Aether Nests in Modern Warfare Zombies
Once you have a Gas Mask, you can enter and clear out the Aether Nest. Just remember that your Gas Mask will slowly tick down and if you take damage, the durability of the Gas Mask will fall even faster.

It’s not enough to defeat the surrounding zombies, although you’ll want to keep that up so you don’t take damage. You need to shoot the glowing spores on the walls to clear the infection in an Aether Nest. When I cleared out my Aether Nest, there were four glowing spores.
Beware: once you shoot the glowing spores, more zombies will spawn in. Keep your guard up, destroy the glowing spores as fast as possible, and the Aether Nest will be clear to loot. The loot cache in the middle opens after you clear the infection, so loot that and you’re good to go.

After clearing out my first Aether Nests, I got two Ammo Mods — the first Ammo Mods I received in the game. It just goes to show that Aether Nests are a great place to find a lot of high-quality loot, and maybe even a Schematic or two if you’re lucky.
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Published: Nov 9, 2023 12:48 pm