Even in its new Definitive Edition, which makes things more accessible than ever before, Lisa is a deeply unforgiving game. Combat is tough, the world is confusing to navigate, and even resting to replenish your health carries a degree of risk. You might be ambushed in the night, incurring a stat debuff when you awaken, or, in some cases, one of your party members might be kidnapped, forcing you into a short sidequest to rescue them. It can be hard to know what to do when this happens during your playthrough, so we’ve put together this guide on how to rescue your kidnapped party members in Lisa: Definitive Edition to help you out, should you ever need it.
How to free kidnapped party members in Lisa: Definitive Edition
As mentioned above, party members can be kidnapped any time you rest at a campfire, tent, or other rest spot. This is a fairly rare event, but it can happen, so it’s best to have a plan in place for when it does. If a kidnap occurs, you’ll be able to tell by the ransom note lying next to your rest spot when you awaken, which will ask you to bring Mags to the headquarters of ‘The Blue Rockets’, a local gang.
You won’t recognize the name, but you’ll probably have passed the Blue Rockets headquarters at some point on your journey. It’s the door with the blue spray-painted B and R on either side of it, and with the rocket above. Fairly obvious in hindsight, but easy to forget, given how many doors you’ll be going in and out of in Lisa. For an easy point of reference, the Blue Rockets headquarters is located just right of the bar where you can recruit Blaze and Olan, so make your way back there, and head over.
- Screenshots by PC Invasion
Once there, the Blue Rockets will demand that you pay 100 Mags, or they’ll stab your kidnapped party member. If you don’t pay, they’ll kill them, meaning you can’t use them again during you current playthrough, and you’ll have to fight a battle against the gang members. If you do pay, you’ll get your party member back and the gang will leave. It’s an easy choice to make, but be sure to gather enough Mags to pay the ransom before visiting the headquarters, or you’ll be unable to do so. If you’re running low, you can easily grind for some in the tunnel leading to the Rando Army camp, as Shadowy Figures spawn there endlessly.
Note that if you progress to the next main section of the game before rescuing a kidnapped party member, you will be unable to get them back for the rest of the playthrough, as if you’d chosen the ‘kill’ option at the headquarters. For this reason, it’s best to resolve kidnappings as soon as they occur if possible, with minimal grinding and exploration in between if necessary.
And there you have it: a full guide on how to rescue your kidnapped party members in Lisa: Definitive Edition. You won’t see this event too often, but when you do it can be devastating, so it’s good to have a plan in place to deal with it swiftly and efficiently.
Published: Jul 20, 2023 10:17 am