How To Transmog In Diablo 4 Transmog Screen
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How to transmog in the Diablo 4 Beta

Get that Diablo drip.

The striking visual look of well-modeled armor sets is a staple of action RPGs like Diablo 4. Players really love customizing the looks of their characters as a form of personal expression. Typically, a transmogrification system handles these cosmetic personalizations, and there’s a pretty simple one in Blizzard’s latest. Here’s how to transmog in Diablo 4. 

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How to transmog in Diablo 4 – Explained

Transmogging in Diablo 4 is a simple and accessible thing to do when you’re not plagued with errors. Simply head to the wardrobe, which is only available in certain towns. You’ll find your first one in Kyovashad, right next to the stash. Reaching Kyovashad does require a bit of playtime, though. Use this time to learn your character and decide on a look to go for. Moreover, pick up all the items you can to unlock them as transmogs later.

How To Transmog In Diablo 4 Wardrobe Location

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Once you open the wardrobe, you can customize each piece of armor you’re wearing and even change their colors. There are up to nine different color schemes. In Diablo 4, weapons can also be transmogged. Additionally, you can save your favorite looks to an ensemble slot. You’re given one at the start and can buy more ensemble slots with gold.

How to unlock new transmogs

Of course, there won’t be many available transmogs when you first start the game. To unlock new transmogs, salvage items at the blacksmith. This gives you crafting and upgrade materials and permanently unlocks that gear’s visual look in the wardrobe. When you hover over a piece of gear, the UI indicates whether you’ve unlocked it as a transmog. This way, you keep track of which looks you already have while staying on the hunt for new ones.

How To Transmog In Diablo 4 Blacksmith

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For more info on classes, story, characters, and more, check out our everything we know about Diablo 4 page. The Beta is available on and releases on June 6.

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Image of Matt Henzel
Matt Henzel
Matt is a Contributing Writer with PC Invasion, having started in December 2022. His favorite genres include RPGs of any kind (MMOs, ARPGs and straight up story based, like Mass Effect) and Shooters. Matt has a Certification in Digital Marketing from Montclair State University, and loves to work out and experience nature when he's not gaming.