The Season 3 Reloaded update adds a ton of new content to MW3 and Warzone. One of the scariest additions is the new Tactical item. Let me show you how to unlock and use the EMD Mine in Modern Warfare 3 (MW3).
What is the EMD Mine in Modern Warfare 3?
The EMD Mine is a dangerous new piece of Tactical equipment that’s useable in Modern Warfare 3 Multiplayer and Warzone. As it’s a mine, you can place it like a Claymore, and the device will go off when an opponent walks nearby.
EMD Mines fire tracking devices at enemies, highlighting their location on the minimap. Intel like this is extremely strong, and you should win any upcoming gunfights if you can highlight an opponent’s whereabouts.
How to unlock the EMD Mine in MW3 Warzone?
The EMD Mine is an Armory Unlock and costs three points. If you have MW3, you can quickly unlock the equipment by completing daily challenges and winning matches. You can unlock the EMD Mine through daily tasks in Warzone and Zombies, but they typically take much longer.
Is the EMD Mine worth using in MW3 Warzone?
The EMD Mine is powerful, but the big question is whether it should replace your existing Tactical equipment. In Multiplayer, I swear by the instant value I get from Flash or Stun grenades. A well-placed Stun grenade can instantly win a gunfight, and you don’t need to wait for an opponent to trigger it.

Another issue is the Engineer Vest exists, which highlights equipment. Naturally, plenty of players don’t use it, but those who do can see your EMD Mines and neutralize them. If your mines are constantly being destroyed, you’re not getting value from your Tactical equipment.
In Warzone, Smoke grenades are the best Tacticals in the game and have been for a while. The ability to instantly create cover is too good to pass up. You can use smoke to cross open areas and revive teammates in risky positions. The EMD Mines may be strong, but I’d argue they don’t match the utility of your faithful Smokes.
That said, all new equipment is worth using, as many players won’t know what it does right away. You can score a few cheeky kills from oblivious opponents and swap when your strategy is countered.
Your Vest choice can have a massive impact on your success in multiplayer, so make sure you’re using the best one for your playstyle. I swear by the Engineer vest, but it’s not the only strong option.
Published: May 1, 2024 12:19 pm