How To Unlock Bahamut In Vampire Survivors Featured Image
Image: Poncle

How to unlock Bahamut in Vampire Survivors Operation Guns

You must first prove yourself before you can harness the power.

If you’ve got the same name as the dragon god of justice, you better have some serious firepower to back it up. And in Vampire Survivors Operation Guns, the character that mirrors this name fits its description very well. So let’s take to the skies and figure out how to unlock Bahamut in Vampire Survivors Operation Guns.

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How to get Bahamut in Vampire Survivors Operation Guns

How To Unlock Bahamut In Vampire Survivors Challenge
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Sadly, Colonel Bahamut is not dragon-like at all, although he could have fooled me with his base stats. With +90% Move Speed and +77% Might along with a new weapon, your enemies will surely feel like they’re getting attacked by a dragon. But having stats like that means unlocking Bahamut won’t be easy. You’ll have to defeat Big Fuzz in Neo Galuga to unlock Colonel Bahamut.

How to defeat Big Fuzz in Neo Galuga in Vampire Survivors to unlock Colonel Bahamut

To unlock Bahamunt in Vampire Survivors Operation Guns, you need to defeat Big Fuzz who is the final boss in Neo Galuga. Here’s where to find him and how to defeat him.

Where to find Big Fuzz in Vampire Survivors

The Big Fuzz boss is the last boss you have to face in order to complete a full run of Neo Galuga. You need to survive for about 28 minutes to get the message about a deadly robot in the northeast of Neo City.

Keep in mind this isn’t the far northeast part of the entire map. Rather, it means the robot is located in the Northeast section of the middle part of the map that looks like a run-down town. If you are having trouble finding it, try and look for a red arrow with a timer on your screen and follow it to the robot. You have about two minutes to make it to the robot before the run ends.

Go to the top right section of the city before two minutes are up, step on the red button, and you’ll be in the room ready to fight Big Fuzz. I recommend using one of the Operation Guns characters with guns, like Newt, as this boss fight will have you aiming in a full 360-degree circle at certain points.

This hulking skeleton figure is no slouch in terms of health, so you’ll need to make sure you’re sufficiently leveled and have some good passives and weapons. His attacks on the other hand can be easily avoided if you know how to properly utilize your surroundings.

How to defeat Big Fuzz in Vampire Survivors

How To Unlock Bahamut In Vampire Survivors Boss
Screenshot: PC Invasion

Enter the arena, and you’ll be back in the good ol’ days of classic Contra boss battles. The Big Fuzz looks like a cross between a robot and a skeleton, and I don’t know which side is creepier. He has about three different moves that he’ll throw at you. Thankfully in this arena, you can walk on the walls and ceiling to evade the boss’s attacks.

The timed explosives are easy enough to dodge, as you can just walk outside of the immediate AoE of the explosives and wait for them to dissipate. It has another fairly easy-to-dodge move, where its eyes will light up before shooting two lasers at you. These lasers will bounce off the walls and seek you for a little bit, so make sure to take advantage of the walls and ceiling and walk around in a circle to avoid the lasers.

Finally, the only move that I took damage from during my fight with him was his mouth flamethrower. Occasionally the boss will start to shoot a revolving wall of fire throughout the arena. Depending on your speed, the flames might move too fast for you to simply outrun it.

I was not able to outrun the flame and instead would walk to the middle of the ceiling and wait for it to get close to me, before dropping from the ceiling and getting behind the fire. That’s about all the attacks Big Fuzz has, and once you deal enough damage, it’ll explode before the reaper comes to take you both.

The Big Fuzz fight was extremely reminiscent of the old-school Contra games. The combination of the small arena with the verticality of the environment really helps individualize the Vampire Survivors Operation Guns DLC compared to the previously released ones, like the Among Us DLC.

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Image of Alex Garcia
Alex Garcia
Alex Garcia is a freelance gaming journalist with over 20 years of gaming experience, and 3 years of professional writing. I stay up to date on the latest and greatest games out there, be they large AAA releases or a diamond in the rough indie game. I like to write about everything Vampire Survivors, and am an avid RPG fan, from Yakuza/LAD, Persona, Final Fantasy, and more. In my downtime you'll find me talking about the greatest invention known to man: cheese.