Warrior Vocation Unlocked In Dragon's Dogma 2
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How to unlock Warrior and Sorcerer Vocations in Dragon’s Dogma 2

To walk these paths, you must walk a dangerous one first.

Although only four Vocations are open to you upon starting your journey, you’ll soon see that other advanced Vocations exist. Upon entering Vernum and speaking to the Vocation Guild, you’ll notice that the Sorcerer and Warrior Vocations are unavailable in Dragon’s Dogma 2.

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DD2 Vocation Frustration quest guide

The Warrior Vocation is an advanced form of the Fighter Vocation, as the Sorcerer Vocation is to the Mage Vocation, making them highly desirable for players who started with those Vocations.

Once you’ve spoken to Klaus, the Vocation Guild representative in Vernworth in Dragon’s Dogma 2, you’ll be told that the Sorcerer and Warrior Vocations aren’t available, as their shipment of armaments for the Vocations have been recently attacked and lost.

Klaus In Dragon's Dogma 2
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They can still teach the Vocations, you just must first find their associated weapons. The Archistaff for the Sorcerer, and the Greatsword for the Warrior. Klaus says that Roderick, the local smithy, may have more information on the lost shipments.

This will trigger the Vocation Frustration Quest.

In the north of Vernworth will be Roderick’s Smithy, look for it on the map. It’s close. He will already know why you’re speaking to him, and will give you some vital information about the lost shipments: that the Goblins attacked it and must be squirreling away the weaponry in their den, somewhere along the western road.

Trevo Mine In Dragon's Dogma 2
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Your map will point out this location, which happens to be Trevo Mine. Heading to the location is easy enough, there was minimal trouble on my journey as it is on the shorter side. Before you delve in, make sure to make use of the campsite next to the entrance. You can eat and rest there. Trust me, your party will need it.

I’d recommend that you be at least Rank 3 in your Vocation. I tried the quest having just changed to Archer, and it was a rough time. Without any skills, I was hardly able to support my Pawns, and I had to revive them on a few occasions.

Camping In Dragon's Dogma 2
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Also, hand out plenty of Apples or Greenwarish to your Pawns. Any Curative will do, but I suspect you’ve got many of those thanks to foraging Pawns. They will need healing, no matter what Vocations your Pawns are. Those tunnels are tight, and the fire thrown from the Goblins will reach anyone in your party.

Inside the Trevo Mine Goblin Den, you’ll find the Archistaff and Greatsword needed. Once you’ve got them, return to Klaus, and you’ll have unlocked the Warrior and Sorcerer Vocations. You’ll still need to spend 150 Discipline Points each to unlock and use them, however.

The Trevo Mine Goblin Den in DD2

The Trevo Mine Goblin Den is a troublesome place. There are some Hobgoblins that reside there and many, many regular Goblins. Inside you’ll find the Archistaff and Greatsword, but that’s at the tail end of the Goblin Den. Remember to turn on your Lantern.

Fighting Goblins In Dragon's Dogma 2
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This Goblin Den is linear, with long tunnels connecting two major chambers. Be super careful of Goblins wielding fire. Try to take them out as soon as you can; they will prove the biggest hazard to you and your Pawns.

Make your way through the first tunnel until you reach a large chamber with many Goblins inside. This chamber has a few giant boulders raised on the sides, being held back by shoddy wooden barriers. If you’re an archer, you can shoot the barriers and have the boulders crush the Goblins. Otherwise, you’re in for a fight.

Boulder In Dragon's Dogma 2
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You can free the boulders by attacking the barriers or throwing something at them, although I would not recommend it. You’ll likely end up just hurting you or your Pawns. Besides, the Goblins aren’t too difficult to take down.

Keep moving onward past the boulders at the far end. There is a little nook to the left before the bend to the right. There’s a chest there – make sure to claim it.

Big Goblin Chamber In Dragon's Dogma 2
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It won’t be long before you come across another much larger chamber with wooden bridges and a few floors as pictured above. This is where we’ll find the weapons you need.

Where to find the Archistaff in DD2

The Archistaff is the easiest to grab first. Before you can go looking for it, make sure to support your Pawns in eliminating the many Goblins that will be trying their hardest to stop you. There are quite a few, but this will be the final major engagement, so give it your all.

Nook For The Archistaff In Dragon's Dogma 2
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Once the Goblins are eliminated – don’t go up the ramp. Stay on the ground floor. Across the entrance to that chamber, you’ll find a small opening in the gap of two rocks, pictured above. In there is a chest with an Archistaff – the Grievous Horns.

Now you can seek the Greatsword needed to finish this quest.

Where to find the Greatsword in DD2

The Greatsword isn’t too far from the Archistaff. You can now head up the ramp to access the next floor. There is a chest immediately in front of you that isn’t the Greatsword but is worth picking up. Directly opposite that chest on that floor is an opening. Head inside, and the chest you need is in there.

Open Chest In Dragon's Dogma 2
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There will be some Goblins to take down, but they won’t pose much of a threat. When you open the chest, you’ll get the Two-Handler, the Greatsword you need.

With both weapons, you can exit the mine and head back to Vernworth. But don’t go back the way you came. Exit the chamber you found the Greatsword in and keep heading up. You’ll run into a group of grateful soldiers, two more chests, and another exit.

Outside that exit is a ladder that’ll allow you to enter the mine from this exit again and a Forgotten Riftstone for you to claim. The new entrance is a nice convenience, but, honestly, it’s easier to go back to Vernworth through the mine as you’ve already cleared it of enemies.

You can now unlock the Sorcerer and Warrior Vocations, well done, Arisen. With two advanced Vocations under your belt, you may already be looking at gaining another, even mightier one.

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Image of Aidan Lambourne
Aidan Lambourne
Aidan Lambourne is a contributing writer for PC Invasion, with almost a couple years of experience in the industry. He has written about Roblox extensively, although has keenly covered new releases and indie games. A passionate writer and gamer, he still can't really believe he gets to indulge in both for a career.