Vicious Raven is one of the first tricky Shadows you’ll encounter in Persona 3 Reload. If you’ve just finished fighting these things and are struggling to figure out their weaknesses don’t worry. Here, I’ll go through everything you need to know about this enemy.
How to defeat the Vicious Raven in Persona 3 Reload
The Vicious Raven is a Shadow the party will encounter on floors 43 to 69 of Tartarus in Persona 3 Reload. They can appear in any of the standard Shadow battles and can be a real pain in your first few fights with them. Luckily at this point in the game you should have an ability that’ll make this fight a breeze. As well as a character that can decimate them with the right attack.

The Vicious Raven is strong against Wind, drains Fire, but is weak to Ice. It uses Agilao and Maragi to attack, so switch to a Persona that isn’t weak to Fire when fighting these guys. You can find all this information using Fuuka’s Full Analysis ability. The best strategy for taking down Vicious Ravens in Persona 3 Reload is using Mabufu. This Ice spell attacks all enemies on the field and sets you up nicely for an All-out Attack.
Best Personas against Vicious Raven
Any Persona that has access to an Ice spell will be good to have against Vicious Ravens in Persona 3 Reload. Fortuna is one of the better Personas for the job since it comes with Bufu and is immune to all Fire damage. Alternatively, if you’ve got a Skill Card for Bufu or Mabufu you can teach it to a Persona.
Mitsuru is the best party member for dealing with Vicious Ravens since she already comes equipped with Mabufu. However, Mitsuru is weak to Fire, so be prepared to heal her if the Vicious Ravens manage to cast their spells on her. Having Yukari on the team for quick access to heals is a very good idea for situations like this. Once you’re used to using Mitsuru like this, you’ll be able to start acquiring level ups quickly.
Published: Feb 5, 2024 10:48 am