Sainsbury’s has told IncGamers that their low-price Modern Warfare 2 offer will end Sunday.Sainsbury’s has been selling Modern Warfare 2 at considerably less than the game’s ludicrously high RRP since it launched today, and we now know that the offer – which prices the game, on both PS3 and 360, at £26 GBP – will last until Sunday, 15 November.A spokesperson for Sainsbury’s also let us know that the game has been selling extraordinarily well, with “queues of customers outside [the] stores in anticipation of purchasing the game,” but reiterated that the company is “doing all we can to service out stores to ensure the game is available for customers to purchase.”Also interesting was that the game hasn’t suffered a huge sales split across platforms. Right now, we’re told that the game has a 40%/60% split between sales on PS3 and sales on Xbox 360, which isn’t particularly major.Good luck getting your hands on the game, readers – from what we hear, it’s selling out rather quickly.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Nov 10, 2009 01:59 pm