Two major gripes that the general Aion fan community had with the game have been solved, according to a couple of recent announcements from NCsoft.In the launch version release notes, it was confirmed that the controversial GameGuard anti-cheating program, which ran with the client during the beta, will be removed for launch to improve the gaming experience:“After analyzing our open beta test results Aion will not feature GameGuard at launch. We will however continue to pursue ways to effectively utilize GameGuard within Aion in the future. Right now we’re focused on providing players with the best possible Aion experience.”The notes also inform gamers that the game now features all three languages, English, French, and German, and that the level cap has been raised from 45 to 50.Thanks to surveys organised by the Aion fan community, NCsoft became aware of the huge demand for an Oceanic server. As a direct result, the game will now launch with a server set to GMT +10. Other surveys, indicating which servers players would like to act as the preferred destination for role players or for players of a certain language, have also been looked at by NCsoft, who has scrapped its own (albeit bugged) survey in favour of the community ones:“Many Aion communities saw a need to coordinate their members and were much quicker than we were to organize surveys. We have decided to honor their hard work by permanently taking our own survey down, since we have no desire to interfere with what our great communities accomplish or cause confusion. We will continue to work with the fansites in our Fansite Program to promote their community survey results.”Aion launches in NA on Tuesday and in Europe on Friday. Read our hands-on previews for more on the game.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Sep 18, 2009 02:23 pm