Rebellion has told IncGamers that there will be no cuts made to Aliens vs Predator.Following the recent news that Aliens vs Predator will not see a release in Germany, we asked Tim Jones, the head of art and design at Rebellion, whether or not the company considered cuts for any regions and how important the mature content was to the gameplay.”There’s one version and it’ll be up to the ratings boards in each territory as to whether to pass the game or not,” Jones told us.“We and SEGA decided not to release the game in Germany as we would’ve had to make significant cuts to the game which would have harmed the gameplay experience,” said Jones. “We’ve tried hard to ensure that the game is as close to the content of the movies as possible. The Aliens and Predator movies are very much intended for adults and as such we have some pretty violent moments in there.”It’s not necessarily looking good for Australian gamers, then, considering the notoriously stringest ratings system over there. We suspect fans will be happy to know that the game is taking its cues from the Alien and Predator movies, though, rather than the Alien vs Predator movies.Stay tuned for our full Aliens vs Predator interview, coming soon.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Nov 27, 2009 05:19 pm