It is widely known that having a mouse and keyboard is a tactical advantage when playing FPS games. This means that when playing on a console or with a controller, knowing the best aim-assist settings in Modern Warfare 3 is essential.
Aim Assist is a real point of contention between PC and Console players. If it is too strong, then the gameplay gets pushed too far in the Controller’s favor. If it isn’t strong enough, then Mouse and Keyboard reign supreme. Modern Warfare 3 has implemented it with a lot of different settings, with some saying they’ve gone overboard. However, if you’re looking to fine-tune your aim assist in Modern Warfare 3, give these settings a try.
Controller aim assist settings MW3
The first thing you need to do to get aim assist working in Modern Warfare 3 is to turn the specific setting on. Navigate to your game settings from the top right menu, and go to Controller Settings. Here, scroll down to Aim Assist and choose the following settings:

Aim Assist
- Target Aim Assist: On
- Aim Assist Type: Black Ops
- Third-Person ADS Correction Type: Assist
Further options can be selected to help with aim assist in Modern Warfare 3 if you really need that edge over Mouse and Keyboard.
- Horizontal Stick Sensitivity: 6
- Vertical Stick Sensitivity: 6
- ADS Sensitivity Multiplier: 0.90
- Sensitivity Multiplier:
- Ground Vehicles: 1.00
- Tablet: 1.00
- Verticle Aim Axis:
- On Foot: Standard
- Ground Vehicles: Standard
- Tac-Stance Sensitivity Multiplier: 0.90
- Aim Response Curve Type: Dynamic
- ADS Sensitivity Multiplier (Focus): 0.90
- ADS Sensitivity Transition Timing: Instant
- Custom Sensitivity Per Zoom: Off
Modern Warfare 3 Gameplay
To push the limits of how much assistance you can get in the game, playing with your gameplay and movement settings is also possible. This will give you more control over the way you move on the battlefield. Although this is not aim assist, it will make the moments between looking down the sights feel more fluid.

Movement Behaviors
- Automatic Sprint: Automatic Tactical Sprint
- Auto Move Forward: Off
- Tactical Sprint Behavior: Double Tap
- Grounded Mantle: On
- Automatic Airborne Mantle: Partial
- Automatic Ground Mantle: Off
- Invert Slide/Dive Behavior: Tap to Slide
- Plunging Underwater: Trigger
- Sprinting Door Bash: On
- Ledge Climb Behavior: Mantle Only
Combat Behaviors
- Aim Down Sight Behavior: Hold
- Change Zoom Shared Input: Off
- Equipment Behavior: Hold
- Weapon Mount Activation: ADS + Melee
- Tactical ADS Activation: ADS + Down Button
- Tactical ADS Behavior: Always
- Interact/Reload Behavior: Prioritize Reload
- ADS Stick Swap: Off
- Weapon Mount Exit Delay: Medium
- Depleted Ammo Weapon Switch: On
- Quick C4 Detonation: Grouped
Other Modern Warfare 3 articles.
Published: Nov 10, 2023 12:28 pm