Activision and id have confirmed that Bill Brown will provide the score for the upcoming Wolfenstein sequel.Brown, who has produced music for CSI: NY and The Devil’s Tomb, also scored the last last game in the series, Return to Castle Wolfenstein in 2001.“Bill was the natural choice to create a soundtrack that emphasises the fast-paced action of Wolfenstein while enhancing the overall mood during key moments and getting players fully immersed in the adventure,” said id’s Kevin Cloud.“Bill crafted the perfect soundtrack when we previously worked together on Return to Castle Wolfenstein and his experience and passion for the franchise will once again allow him to deliver an incredible score that draws the player deeper into the Wolfenstein universe.”Wolfenstein sees the return of BJ Blazkowicz as he ordered by the Office of Secret Actions (OSA) to investigate whether the Nazis have gained access to a mysterious new technology.The game is due for release on PC, PS3 and Xbox 360 later this year.
Bill Brown To Score Wolfenstein
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Published: May 13, 2009 09:18 am