It has emerged that BioWare believes upcoming titles, Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins, will be so emotionally engaging that they will make players cry.In an interview with videogamer, BioWare’s Dr. Ray Muzyka stated that the goal behind all BioWare games is to make players feel the same about the situations they see on screen as they would in real life. He believes that games are now on a par with films and books in terms of connecting with the people interacting with them.When asked if he believed Mass Effect 2 and Dragon Age: Origins would actually make players cry, he responded:”Yeah I do. I think that’s the goal, to try and make people feel the same emotions they feel in real life.”But he went on to say that it’s not an easy task to do that in a game:“People know when they see something that’s not real and credible – like your eyes not moving right. It makes you realise maybe it’s not real. Or the facial expression’s not quite right, or too much dialogue or too little dialogue, or a whole range of things that could be just not quite right about looking real and making you feel like the character you’re talking to is credible.”He continued, “If you don’t have all those things just right, you can’t break through that barrier to get the genuine emotional engagement with characters. That’s where you get some of the more difficult emotions to convey, of love, sadness, regret, fondness, hatred, dislike, these are all valid expressions and emotions we strive for, and they’re hard to do.”
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Sep 11, 2009 10:09 am