Lost Planet 2, Super Street Fighter IV, Dark Void and Monster Hunter Tri have all been delayed in a bid to “maximise sales volume” according to Capcom’s latest investor report.The document states that by doing this the company can “avoid competing with major titles” from other publishers and that it will “preserve the value of Capcom’s titles.”In addition to this, Capcom has slashed its sales forecast figures, with Dark Void (released later this month) the only title to have a revised figure of less than half of the official forecast, dropping from an expected 1.3 million sales units to 600,000. Figures for Lost Planet 2, Super Street Fighter IV and Monster Hunter Tri have not been included in the final tally, and it seems Capcom is expecting the worst in order to claw back any losses from last year.But these are just the figures for the last quarter of the financial year, and Capcom hopes to launch some brand new titles, along with Dead Rising 2, next year. What those titles are, we can’t tell you, but we’re hoping they won’t be hampered by more delays from the already postponed titles.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Jan 4, 2010 09:49 am