Dungeons and Dragons Online: Unlimited, the free to play version of Turbine’s fantasy MMO, officially launches tomorrow, and according to Turbine it’s already working out better than expected.The free to play game allows players to explore and take part in DDO as before, but players can purchase points with real cash to spent on things such as hirelings, convenience items and premium adventure packs. Players wishing to continue paying a subscription can do so, earning themselves several points to spend on items each month, priority access to the servers, the ability to play all classes and races, additional character slots, a shared bank slot and more.There were worries that this sudden change of business model wasn’t a good sign for DDO, but according to Turbine’s Adam Mersky, as spotted by Kotaku, players on the beta test are buying up points like there’s no tomorrow. Subscribers and beta testers were given a heap of points, but many of them have already got through their allocated stack and are buying more.”They’ve gone through their points, and we’ve already sold millions more Turbine points, and we’ve not even opened up the world to the public yet.”Apparently, the Favoured Soul, a new class in DDO is at the top of most people’s shopping list. The class can also be unlocked in-game, but many players would just rather ‘buy’ it.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Sep 8, 2009 03:20 pm