Bioware has announced the release date for their Dragon Age: Origins Return to Ostagar DLC.RPG fans looking for new Dragon Age content won’t have to wait long, EA has announced that the DLC will be released on 5 January.The DLC will cost 400 BioWare Points or Microsoft Points but PS3 gamers will have to wait until later in January to get their hands on the new content.The Return to Ostagar DLC summons players to a new quest in which they will return to Ostagar where the Grey Wardens were nearly wiped out. Players will also discover King Cailan’s top-secret political agenda and go behind enemy lines to revisit a place that many feared had been lost to history.“We are thrilled at the way the fans have embraced Dragon Age: Origins and we’re excited to welcome them back into the game,” said Aaryn Flynn, General Manager and Vice President, BioWare Edmonton. “Return to Ostagar represents BioWare’s commitment to providing a steady stream of compelling post release content as we continue to expand the Dragon Age universe.”
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Paul Younger
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Published: Dec 30, 2009 12:24 am