Bioware has revealed the third piece of Dragon Age: Origins launch DLC.The Warden’s Keep will add a quest set in a dungeon, in addition to six new abilities, a load of items (including a magical suit of Grey Warden armour) and a base that players can use to trade with merchants.The Keep was an old Grey Warden base, so you can expect a supernatural storyline inside the ancient and potentially haunted fortress, according to Gamespot.It’s going to cost 560 Microsoft Points, or $7 USD on PC and PS3, although if you purchase the Deluxe edition (not the regular edition, and not the Collector’s edition) of Dragon Age, you’ll get it free in that.We already knew about the other two pieces. There’s the Stone Prisoner add-on which costs $15 USD or 1200 Microsoft Points – but comes free with any purchase of a new copy of Dragon Age: Origins, so people waiting for pre-owned copies are out of luck.The other, the Blood Dragon Armour which can be used in both Dragon Age and Mass Effect 2, will also be completely free with new copies.Dragon Age: Origins, due out early November on PC and Xbox 360 and late November on PS3, is BioWare going back to fantasy worlds for what looks to be a fairly hardcore RPG – but this time around, it’s their own world, and it’s a dark and grim place in which the Grey Wardens, now few in number and considered somewhat archaic, attempt to fend off the coming Blight that threatens the world.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
Published: Oct 8, 2009 11:05 am