BioWare announced today that Tor Books is publishing Dragon Age: The Calling, a prequel to the highly anticipated RPG ‘Dragon Age: Origins’, which is due out in November.The book, written by Dragon Age: Origins’ lead writer David Gaider, sees the Grey Wardens return to Ferelden after two hundred years of exile. However, one of them has betrayed his brethren and aligned with the darkspawn. King Maric reluctantly leads the remaining Wardens into the Deep Roads to chase after a deadly secret that threatens the kingdom. The book is due to be released on 13 October and costs $14.99.Dragon Age: Origins puts players in the role of a Grey Warden, who must unite the shattered lands and defeat the evil that threatens the world. Players meet other characters along the way who they can ally with, fight or even become romantically involved with. Check out our preview for more on the game, which is released in the UK on 6 November for the PC and Xbox 360, and later in the month for the PS3.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Sep 16, 2009 11:37 am