The Left 4 Dead 2 boycott group on the Steam Community is coming to a close – which has left many boycotters deeply unhappy.The admins of the group, Agent of Chaos and Walking_Target, have made the decision to close down “L4D2 Boycott” – the Left 4 Dead 2 boycott group.”We have accomplished everything we can on our manifesto,” reads Agent of Chaos’ part of the message to the group. “We’ve been dealing with Valve ever since our group started, then we met them in-person and now we’re at the point of concluding our discussions. Our goal wasn’t to steer people away from L4D2, it was to get Valve’s attention and have them support original L4D. We succeeded and that’s where our mission ends; nothing more or less.”Crash Course, the message continues, “was just the start,” with future updates in the pipeline, beginning with 4v4 matchmaking, and continuing with at least one more DLC pack.Walking_Target takes over from where Agent of Chaos leaves off in the message. “People have lost sight of why we’re here,” he writes. “The comments are always full of trolls, people bashing Valve and phishers. What is more, people are unwilling or unable to wait for Valve to follow through in any cohesive way. Valve is at least trying to make things right, there will be speed bumps on the way, however we will get there.””This boycott has served its purpose and it is now up to you all as individuals to decide what is right for you.”Naturally, the boycott community is a bit divided over this. Some posts are positive, such as Kowai_Yume’s “thanks for all the updates and hard work guys!” or <W> Agriath’s “Really happy with how this boycott was run. it got Valve’s attention and thats what matters. Good work.” [sic]The majority of members, however, seem to be far less pleased. There are a variety of posts on the theme of “Fucking sellouts,” along with a few which are a bit more constructive.”As leaders, you do not speak for the entire community,” writes MookieMan. “Leave the group if you must, but please don’t close the group. No offense, but the timing of this is going to make a lot of people even more suspicious, and as said before, you do not, and never have spoken for the entire group… what gives you the right to close the group. L4D is still largely broken 10 months after release, there has been two small DLC, and the matchmaking system after 10 months is still shat. let’s not even get into their promises.” [sic]And, naturally, there are more than a few mentions of the leaders of the group being flown out to Valve’s offices to play Left 4 Dead 2, often tying into the sellout comments.Which means that things are a bit of a muddle with plenty of arguments going on. What do you reckon, readers? Should the boycott be closed down? Should it remain open, with different leadership? Should it spontaneously turn into a whale? Let us know below.And don’t forget that Left 4 Dead 2 pre-orders are now open with a variety of bonuses, and that the last two campaigns have now been confirmed through the achievements.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
Published: Oct 14, 2009 09:58 am