Two of the founding members of a group who wished to boycott Left 4 Dead 2 have played the game at Valve’s offices.After Left 4 Dead 2’s somewhat surprising announcement at E3, numerous fans were disappointed a sequel would be coming out so soon after the original – largely due to the perceived lack of differences between the two, and the lack of promised support in terms of DLC for the first – and started a group to boycott the sequel. The group currently has 40,000 supporters.According to the announcement on the group’s Steam page Valve responded by allowing the founding members the chance to play the game along and also informed them of the company’s plans for continued support for the original Left 4 Dead.It seemed like they were impressed with Left 4 Dead 2 describing the sequel as “balanced and ‘tight’ and did not feel like a rushed job.”However alot of the members of the group seem less than pleased that the leaders were so easily persuaded to try out Left 4 Dead 2.”Boycott Staff doesn’t have any BALLS, you fell for the run around at valve HQ,” said group member Big-Worm.So maybe they can now join the group which support Valve’s action of bringing out a sequel?Anyway, check out our preview of Left 4 Dead 2 along with our interview with Doug Lombardi.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Sep 10, 2009 11:44 am