Hans Zimmer, soundtrack composer on Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 has spoken of the game’s “emotional darkness.” In an interview with USA Today, Zimmer revealed that he believes Infinity Ward is pushing the boundaries of game narrative with Modern Warfare 2.“What makes it really interesting is that it has an emotional darkness to it where sometimes you go, ‘I just can’t believe they are going to do this now’ and then they do it,” said Zimmer when asked about which locales might feature in the game.“It’s full of those sort of moments where it just takes things further than anyone would expect them to do. So I think it is less a geographic journey than an emotional one.”Zimmer also stressed that he feels the video game is a legitimate art form.“When movies first came out, maybe they were in black and white and there wasn’t any sound and people were saying the theater is still the place to be,” he explained.“But now movies and theater have found their own place in the world. They are each legitimate art forms. And now this new thing, it’s interesting. We still call it a game. The word has a slightly sort of downmarket quality, that word. It is a trivial word. But remember as a musician, we play all our lives, so the idea of playing something and being involved in something is actually quite powerful to a musician. The participation is the thing.”The leaked video released last week seems to confirm Zimmer’s claim about the “emotional dakness” in Modern Warfare 2. Find out more about the video here and check out our reaction in the new Columns section.
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Paul Younger
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Published: Nov 4, 2009 10:54 am