Infiltrator is the Tier Four mission in Modern Warfare Zombies and it can be challenging if you don’t know how to get a Stronghold Keycard or how to clear a Terminus Outcomes Stronghold. Luckily, I’m, here to help you out.
How to obtain a Stronghold Keycard in Modern Warfare Zombies

First, you need a Stronghold Keycard. There are two ways to acquire a Stronghold Keycard in Modern Warfare Zombies: through a Mercenary Convoy or through a Mercenary Camp. I recommend the Mercenary Camp because you can find them in Threat Zone One whereas Mercenary Convoys are only found in Threat Zone Two.
If you choose Mercenary Convoy, a Mercenary Stronghold Keycard will be pinged to you after you defeat the enemy holding it. In my experience, the enemy is always random, so just defeat them all. If you choose Mercenary Camp, take out all the mercenaries and you’ll find a Loot Cache near the middle of the camp that holds a Mercenary Stronghold Keycard and often other useful gear like a 2-Plate Armor Vest.
How to clear a Terminus Outpost in Modern Warfare Zombies

While you can clear Legacy Fortress to mark off the Terminus Outpost objective in the Infiltrator mission, that is a little more complicated and in reality, you can and should go for something easier: a regular Mercenary Stronghold base.
I don’t know why the mission says, “Terminus Outcomes Stronghold” because any Mercenary Stronghold will do. I recommend going for one in Threat Zone One because the mercenaries and zombies will be easier to defeat.
Mercenary Strongholds aren’t easy, so stay on your guard. I recommend taking a shotgun in as that’ll make quick work of any enemy in front of you. Camp outside the door and clear out the majority of mercenaries without rushing in as that often leads to death (speaking from experience). The only caveat if you do that is to watch out for zombies because they will constantly come at you.
How to retrieve the Terminus Outcomes Record from the Stronghold Safe in Modern Warfare Zombies

After clearing out all the mercenaries in the Mercenary Stronghold, you’ll find a safe somewhere inside. This is only the case because you have the Infiltrator mission equipped. Start the process of opening the safe and set yourself up to defend it because more strong mercenaries will come for you.
Once the safe is open, a Cyphered Tablet will drop. Pick that up, loot everything in the safe, and you’ve completed the Infiltrator mission in MWZ. Before you exfil, just make sure that everything in your Rucksack does carry over into your next run.
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Published: Nov 10, 2023 10:39 am