As you are aware by now, Modern Warfare Zombies missions, like Saboteur, can be very difficult. I recommend going into Aether Extraction with a squad — here is how to complete the Saboteur MWZ mission.
How to complete an Aether Extraction Contract in Modern Warfare Zombies

To start Saboteur, you need to start an Aether Extraction mission. Look for the mission-shaped icon on your map. I usually find one in the south sides of Zaravan City and Zaravan Suburbs.

Once you’ve found and started the Aether Extraction Contract, you have around three minutes to destroy three Aether Extractors which are marked on your map. The problem is (and why I advise you to do this Contract with a squad) the mercenaries guarding the Aether Extractors have laser accuracy and a lot of shields. Going alone is difficult, trust me.
Though it does take more time, I recommend clearing out the majority of the mercenaries before trying to overload the Aether Extractor. I’ve rushed it before and died trying. Once all three Aether Extractors are down, you’ll complete the Contract.
How to shoot down a reinforcement helicopter in Modern Warfare Zombies

While you are doing an Aether Extraction mission, you’ll see a reinforcement helicopter drop off more troops. This was the hardest part of the mission for me because I couldn’t destroy the helicopter before it took off. That is until I started using the RPG.
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I highly recommend using the RPG to take out the reinforcement helicopters. The reason for this is the RPG reloads a lot faster than other launchers, you just have to land your shot. Use your Insured Weapon Slot to bring an RPG into the Exclusion Zone. This is the only way you’ll complete Saboteur in one run. Also, getting the 15 mercenary kills during Aether Extraction isn’t hard, so it doesn’t need an entire section.
How to exfil with Uncommon Aether Tool Plans in Modern Warfare Zombies

Lastly, you may be wondering where you can acquire Schematics. More specifically, how do you exfil with the Uncommon Aether Tool Plans? What’s great about Saboteur is if you’ve checked off the first three mission objectives, you’ll automatically get Uncommon Aether Tool Plans in your Aether Extraction completion reward. Christmas came early!
All you need to do now is exfil, which shouldn’t be too hard. What is hard is finding the Dual Kamas in MWZ.
Other Modern Warfare Zombies articles
Published: Nov 10, 2023 10:13 am