By their own admission, Codemasters knew that the original Operation Flashpoint was an ambitious title that probably didn’t realise its full potential when it was released many moons ago, but that has not stopped them from returning to the popular Franchise for Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising.Details on the sequel are still sparse but this morning Codemasters released a new CGI trailer as well as a batch of ‘development target renders‘ to get fans all excited.The video reveals the sheer scale of Operation Flashpoint 2: Dragon Rising’s battlefield the 220km2 island of Skira, located off the eastern coast of Russia, north of Japan. The trailer opens with US Special Ops carrying out a stealth mission todestroy a Chinese forward observation post. Suddenly, their mission iscompromised and the PLA forces attack. US reinforcements are called inand a full-scale battle develops between the PLA and the marines.Operation Flaqshpoint 2 is due for release some time next year.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Jul 11, 2008 10:23 am