Rockstar may be teasing the next GTA game in the manual to Grand Theft Auto: Episodes From Liberty City.Eagle-eyed fans over on spotted an advert in the manual which depicts the artwork from the GTAIV boxes arranged into a broken heart, with the text “Liberty City, It’s Over!”Below this are the words “Next stop” – and then the page is torn. The torn bit shows a few slightly abstract bits of colour, but it’s hard to make out what it is. Looks like a landscape with some pine trees to us, but it might be a bit low on the page for that and there are plenty of other interpretations.Most interesting of all is text at the very bottom, stating “OPENS MARCH EVERYWHERE.” Also interesting is that the text at the bottom also appears to list various types of artist and designer. You know, like you might see in a game’s credits.Theories, obviously, are rampant. Some claim that the little bits of colour from the “page behind” clearly shows one of the vast spaces in San Andreas. Others reckon it looks more like a tuxedo, implying Vice City. Still others insist that it clearly shows London. Of course, it’s not clear whether it’s talking about GTAV, or more GTAIV DLC.Then again, it could also be talking about something completely different. There are also those who point out that Rockstar’s Red Dead Redemption is estimated for March 2010, which – depending on how you feel – could indicate one of two things. This could be an advert for that very game, or it could simply prove that if that comes out in March we should expect to hear more about either GTAIV DLC, or GTAV, around then.Episodes From Liberty City is the retail release that contains both GTAIV DLC packs – The Lost and the Damned, and The Ballad of Gay Tony – as stand-alone content. Don’t forget that The Ballad of Gay Tony hits Xbox LIVE today, either, priced at 1600 MS Points. Check that link for the latest trailer, too.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Oct 29, 2009 10:31 am