Bioware has confirmed that The Reapers will feature heavily in the upcoming Mass Effect sequel.Speaking to IncGamers, Bioware’s Adrien Cho confirmed the return of the omnicidal mechanical horrors in Mass Effect 2.”The Reapers will still play a very important role in Mass Effect 2,” said Cho.”The Collectors are the new enemy that kinda pop up – but how the two relate to each other remains to be seen. You’ll have to play the game to find out!”When asked whether Mass Effect fans might see some familiar faces in the sequel, Cho revealed that Bioware has “plenty of fantastic surprises” in store.“I’m not going to ruin it for them,” said Cho, “but definitely, the choices that you make will have interesting outcomes of the characters that you’re going to come across in Mass Effect 2.”Check out our preview of Mass Effect 2 here.Look out for the full video interview coming soon.
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Paul Younger
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Published: Nov 17, 2009 10:22 am