The Ambush Site (Wasteland 3’s tutorial level)
In a couple of turns, the Kodiak’s weapon will be powered-up so you can destroy the walker bot. Oh, and don’t use that medkit that you have on you.
Important: Up the slope, you’ll find Pvt. Jodie Bell being held at gunpoint. You can snipe the ambusher from afar, or get up close for speech checks — Hard Ass 1 or Kiss Ass 1. If you anger her, she’ll execute Bell. If you rescue Bell, she’ll need First Aid 1 and your medkit. Bell’s survival will let you recruit her later in Wasteland 3‘s campaign.
Kill the Dorseys in the next area. Speak with Pvt. Beltran who won’t budge no matter what you say.
Nerd Stuff 1 (terminal) or Mechanics 1 (generator) — these actions will disable the warbot; Lockpicking 1 (locked gate) and Explosives 1 (mines) for additional loot.
Jarett Dorsey will taunt you once you enter the large room. You’ll fight half a dozen Dorseys, but Major Vera Prasad will assist you.
Pick up the loot — one of the accessories is the Veteran Ranger’s Star which gives +1 Hard Ass.
Speak with Prasad; Hard Ass 1 for additional dialogue.
Speak with Maj. Tomcat who’ll join your squad as an AI-controlled companion (Animal Whisperer 1). Cats are awesome, by the way.
Exit the level by using the Kodiak to end up in Ranger HQ.
Published: Aug 26, 2020 06:00 pm