World of Goo developer 2D Boy has made quite a lot of money after the game’s recent price cut.As you hopefully spotted last week, World of Goo’s price was dropped – or raised – to absolutely anything in honour of its birthday.First up, these celebrations have been extended because, according to 2D Boy dev Ron Carmel, the “experiment/celebration” has been a “huge success.” As such, you’re able to buy World of Goo for any price ranging from $0.01 USD up to, ooh, whatever PayPal can handle.Secondly, the definition of that “huge success.” While the PayPal commission meant that 2D Boy saw no money out of purchases less than $0.30 USD, this year old game has had a hell of a lot of sales.Going by the histogram that you should be able to see to your left, that accounted for at least 16,852 sales – the number of people who paid $0.01 USD – but likely a bit higher, considering 6,483 people paid between £0.02 USD and £0.99 USD.Still, that leaves what we’ll conservatively called 34,000 sales. This might not sound like much. Bear in mind that many of those paid over $1.00 USD, for a game that’s a year old, and you start building up a significant amount of cash over a one week period.Let’s crunch a few numbers. At the time the histogram was made, 2,154 people paid between $10.00 USD and $10.99 USD for the game. Being conservative (although not removing PayPal’s cut) that’s $21,540 USD by itself. Adding up everything else – taking the lowest monetary figure for each bracket, but not removing PayPal’s cut – gives us a sum total of around $114,000 USD.Which is staggering for an indie game that’s a year old, and which people have been able to pay anything for. There’s plenty more you can extrapolate from the data, like that more people seemed to prefer paying reasonably round figures ($20 instead of $19, $10 instead of $9, $5 instead of $4 etc.) or that 306 people were willing to pay the standard price for the title, but we’ll leave it there for now.Still, it’s worth adding that that this sale also caused a rise in sales on Steam – which shot up by a whopping 40% relative to the previous week. Not only that, but the 40% increase came a week after a 25% increase, which was apparently pretty amazing by itself.Raise that figure, people. The sale has been extended until 25 October – this Sunday – so get purchasing.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
Published: Oct 21, 2009 12:20 pm