The lengths we will go to as gamers to achieve those 100% trophies and medals are obscene. To find all the doll locations in Sewers of The Dead you were going to have to get all the way to the boss level of this Sker Ritual trial. It’s no easy feat, trust me.
Where to find all the dolls in Sewers of The Dead
As a quick tip for anyone looking to find all these dolls, run the enemies down to one slowish zombie, then do your searching. I often found trying to run around the map with a hoard in tow made me miss these Sker Ritual dolls. Keep the enemy numbers manageable, then use this doll guide to find the locations in Sewers of The Dead. A couple of friends wouldn’t hurt either.
Rats Nest doll
The first doll you can find in Sewers of The Dead is right where you start the mission. If you are facing the ammo resupply point, it is situated on the floor against the left wall.
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Sewer Entrance West doll
Look to the left of the cat statue and under the stairs to find this hidden doll in Sker Ritual Sewers of The Dead.
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Second Class Coach doll
In the second-class coach, shoot the glowing orbs until you reach the section with a missing wall. Facing out of the coach, look down to the right. There, you will see the next doll tucked away under some suitcases. This is also a possible location for one of the mystery boxes in Sker Ritual.
![All doll locations in Sewers of The Dead - Sker Ritual](
First Class Coach doll
Once you have shot your way through second class into first, you will be able to make your way out of the side of the train. Turn around to look back to the coach. You will see the next Sewers of The Dead doll on the roof or the carriage.
![All doll locations in Sewers of The Dead - Sker Ritual](
Sker Island Train Station doll
Hop out of the train and onto the train station in Sker Ritual. Here, you will see a small cabin to your right. Inside is a man glued to the wall by the red vines. To his left, you will see a barrel with the next Sewer of The Dead doll in Sker Ritual.
![All doll locations in Sewers of The Dead - Sker Ritual](
Radio Tower Clearing doll
The next doll is perched amongst the ivy on the first level of horizontal beams on the radio tower.
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Radio Tower Control Room doll #1
Head into the radio tower control room and down a floor to the level with the central balcony. Perched in the center of the room, just under the balcony, is the next Sewers of The Dead doll in Sker Ritual.
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Radio Tower Contol Room doll #2
Head down another level and make your way around the platform until you are almost at the stairs to the ground floor. Look towards the center, and you will see the next doll sitting on top of the control boxes.
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Radio Tower Control Room doll #3
I suspect you will have to return to this one later. The final doll in the Radio Tower Control Room is locked away in the center of the room. You can’t unlock this until you have collected together the four keys. However, once you have done this, it is sitting on the floor underneath the long verticle pipes.
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Catacombs doll
In the catacombs, look for the machine that upgrades your weapon. Then, take a look up and to the left of it. You will find the next Sewers of The Dead doll on the pillar.
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Cove Walkway doll
On the walkway, look for the slight gap in the wooden paneling along the sides. Underneath it, the next Sker Ritual doll in Sewers of The Dead is hidden in the middle of the loose planks.
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Sewer Entrance South doll
There are two doors immediately on your right and left when you go down the stairs into the Sewers Entrance South. The door on your left is the one that holds the next Sker Ritual doll.
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Sewer Tunnels West doll
Enter into the tunnels and look for the gated entrance with a wall fan right beside it. Beneath the wall fan, in its little recess, you will see the next Sewers of The Dead doll on the floor.
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The Strangers Land doll #1
The final two dolls for the Sewers of The Dead Sker Ritual level are located in the boss lair. You will have had to teleport there by completing the quest. However, once you’re there, look up to see all the junk flying around the level. Search for a round table beside a piano. The next doll is sitting on the table. However, it can be hard to see due to the table being so far away.
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The Strangers Land doll #2
The final doll in Sewers of The Dead is hidden under the boss level in the fleshy tunnels. Make your way into them and into the more open area. Against the wall, you will find the final doll to unlock the trophy in Sker Ritual Sewers of The Dead. Now you’re done with this level, it’s time to move on to the next doll challenge.
![All doll locations in Sewers of The Dead - Sker Ritual](
Published: Apr 22, 2024 12:57 pm