THQ has officially announced Dawn of War 2’s first expansion, titled Chaos Rising, and we’ve got the details for you.Chaos Rising was hinted at a few days ago, but now we know that the expansion will see the Blood Ravens heading to a long-lost ice planet that’s suddenly reappeared from the Warp. As with everything that comes from the Warp – there’s Chaos.The forces of Chaos’ Black Legion look to be the major antagonists this time around, and you can import your Tyranid-battering squad from the first title into this expansion, although it’s worth noting that the expansion itself is stand-alone. If you don’t have Dawn of War II, you can start here, although with the Black Legion apparently trying to undo the Blood Ravens from within, we think there’ll be a bit of backstory weaved in.The level cap will be raised from 20 to 30 as you battle it out over the 20 new missions, and there’s plenty of new wargear to give to your squads, including some which is Chaos-tainted, making it extremely powerful but very, very risky to use.Each oides – Srace Marwdrf
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Paul Younger
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Published: Sep 21, 2009 12:48 pm