Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 developer Infinity Ward has revealed it declined to accept a “ridiculous” budget from Activision when making the highly-anticipated sequel. Speaking to Develop, the studio’s community manager Robert Bowling explained how the dev team believe a big budget for Modern Warfare might have produced an inferior game.“We are pretty tight on our budgets. Early on – when we decided to make a sequel – Activision estimated out a ridiculous budget,” said Bowling.“And we were like: ‘No, we don’t need that.’”“Much like we don’t let ourselves get distracted by hype, if you have excess you feel like you should use excess,” he added.“So we said ‘let us design a game the way we’d always design a game. And let us focus on that.’ So we didn’t let the budget affect our mentality. We would only put stuff in the game that is right for the game, and not because we can.”Bowling also said the addition of soundtrack legend Hans Zimmer to the team “wasn’t so much about the money.”“He has the same mentality as us, in that he does projects because he is passionate about them. It is something he has never done before and it was a challenge,” said Bowling.“You have to score a game in a totally different way to a film. So he took it on because he was intrigued by it and he liked the story. Not because we had a cheque book.”Recently, Zimmer has been equally complimentary about the IW team – find out more here.Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 is due for release on PS3, Xbox 360 and PC on 10 November.
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Paul Younger
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Published: Nov 4, 2009 12:31 pm