Tripwire Interactive has announced the Level Up pack for Killing Floor, as well as a free weekend of play for anyone who wants to join in the fun.We’ll deal with the weekend first. From 22 October through 25 October, everyone with a Steam account will be able to download and play Killing Floor. Not a bad idea, as it’s surprisingly good fun – particularly for free.Tripwire has also announced the Level Up free content pack, set to be the “largest” free content pack to date. It’s to be made available on 22 October, and as per usual, Tripwire has bucked the trend and made a huge amount of content available for free.While the full reveal is meant to happen next week, there are hints floating around as to what’s going to be included, with a rough list of content detailed in an online advert. If you want to be surprised come next week’s release, don’t read on.7 new weapons3 new mapsNew Demolition perkAll perk level caps raisedNew Specimen: HuskWhich is, as I said, huge. Still, this is the same Tripwire that made the Heavy Metal pack free. Loads of new content, at no charge? Tripwire, you have our respect.Keep your eyes peeled around 20 October for the full details on what’s going to be in there.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Oct 15, 2009 09:06 am