Mamba Games has announced its major titles within the Odyssia brand have all gone gold.The three games will go on sale on 23 October and will all cost £19.99 GBP, are a aimed at the PC market and hope to provide real quality and value for money.Outcry: The Dawn, one of the three titles, is a Myst-like adventure game where you’re on a quest to find your brother who’s been mysteriously kidnapped by a mad professor who wants to separate his physical being from his consciousness. Deep stuff.The Void is a place where souls go before death and you have to survive by feeding of The Colour, the only food for dying souls. Peter Parrish loved this game and you can find out more here.The last of the three titles to be released is Scorpion: Disfigured, a futuristic game set in the Middle East fighting terrorists. Obviously, it’s not just terrorists anymore, but aliens too, both of which are hell bent on using nuclear weapons to destroy the world. It’s the only first person shooter title being released.Pre-orders for all of these titles are now being taken, so you can log on to the official site here to get your copy. And why don’t you come back and tell us if you thought the games were value for money, we’d love to know.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
Published: Oct 9, 2009 08:46 am