Blizzard has now set the date for the launch of the Russian version of World of Warcraft as August 6th.Following months of preparation, Blizzard are now ready to unleash World of Warcraft to Russian players in their native language. Blizzard CEOMikeMorjaim added:“The launch of the Russian-language version reflects our continuing commitment to make World of Warcraft even more accessible for gamers throughout the world. We also hopethat providing a fully localised version of the game will furtherenhance the gameplay experience for our enthusiastic Russiancommunity.”The Russian version will be available for Windows and Mac and the retail boxed DVD version will include the standard one month subscription and the CD version will include a 14 day subscription. Russian players can subscribe to a dedicated Russian account which will feature a reduced subscription rate in rubles which will also restrict them to Russian only servers.Prices are coming in at a month-to-month plan for 359 rubles per month, a three-month plan for329 rubles per month, and a six-month plan for 299 rubles per month. To make things easier for russian players to access this new subscription system, a Russian language pack from the official Russian website at Existing Russian players with EU accounts wil also be able to transfer to their characters to the new Russian realms.
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Paul Younger
Founder and Editor of PC Invasion. Founder of the world's first gaming cafe and Veteran PC gamer of over 22 years.
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Published: Jul 30, 2008 10:39 pm