The Quarry Tarot Cards guide – Card locations per chapter
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Let’s talk about the Tarot Card locations in The Quarry.
Prologue: The Fool
- Character: Laura
- Location: As you walk down the path from the car, look to your left. The card is right behind a small rock formation.
Chapter 1: Temperance
- Character: Jacob
- Location: Once inside the lodge, enter the kitchen. You’ll see it on the stove.
Chapter 2: The Hanged Man
- Character: Nick
- Location: You’ll be asked if you want to go to Shady Glade or Rocky Road. Choose Rocky Road here. Then, once you’re at the fork, turn left. You’ll see it on top of a cliff.
- Note: There are collectibles that can be found if you go to Shady Glade. You won’t be able to collect them now, which means you’ll have to complete the campaign to unlock the Chapter Select feature.
Chapter 3: The Tower
- Character: Abigail
- Location: At the start of this chapter, Abby will be walking alone in the woods. I honestly found myself a bit lost here, but I was walking along the central section until the camera showed the card. Just remember to avoid going to the very edge of the forest or you’ll trigger the next scene.
Chapter 3: The Star
- Character: Jacob
- Location: From the pier, walk inside the boathouse and to your left (while facing the lake). This will cause the camera to pan and reveal the card.
Chapter 4: The Magician
- Character: Emma
- Location: When you gain control of Emma, go back to the end of the jetty where you just came from.
Chapter 4: Strength
- Character: Dylan
- Location: This will occur in the middle of a cutscene. When the group returns to the lodge, the card will appear in the foreground. Quickly hit the interact button to obtain it before the scene progresses further.
Chapter 5: The Devil
- Character: Dylan
- Location: You’ll find yourself in the playground area from an earlier chapter (except it’s nighttime now). When you reach the middle of the yard with the large tree, go near the tables to make this card appear.
Chapter 5: The Hermit
- Character: Dylan
- Location: After picking up the previous card, head to the radio room. Go near the fusebox (i.e., where Abigail saw the raven earlier in the day). Do not enter the building and do not tell Ryan that you’re ready if you haven’t picked this up yet. Otherwise, another scene will trigger and you won’t be able to get this.
Chapter 6: Justice
- Character: Jacob
- Location: Upon leaving the wooden walkway, make Jacob walk toward the screen (i.e., the left-hand side of the area). Don’t go up the wooden steps or that will trigger the next scene.
Chapter 6: The Moon
- Character: Abigal
- Location: In the pool house, go to the opposite corridor and enter the third shower room on your left. Do not interact with the locker at the end of this corridor because that will trigger a cutscene.
Chapter 7: The World
- Character: Laura
- Location: You can obtain this during the first part of this chapter. Walk toward the cell door to reveal this card under the bed.
Chapter 7: The Chariot
- Character: Laura
- Location: When you’re able to explore the police station, walk between the tables in the room to make the camera show this card.
Chapter 8: The Lovers
- Character: Laura
- Location: Continue going up the metal walkway and into the opening. You’ll find yourself on a narrow pathway with a small section that’s jutting out. Walk to that section to make the card pop up.
Chapter 8: Wheel of Fortune
- Character: Laura
- Location: After a couple of scenes, Laura will pull the wooden boards at the entrance of a tunnel. As you’re walking through it, this card will pop up on screen.
Chapter 8: The Empress
- Character: Ryan
- Location: When you have control of Ryan in the cellar, turn left to see a smaller room. Walk there until you see the card. But, don’t go too far to where the red light is as that advances the chapter.
Chapter 8: The Emperor
- Character: Ryan
- Location: This is also in the cellar/basement area except it’s at the end of the main corridor. Again, do not go near the red light or you’ll trigger a cutscene.
Chapter 9: Death
- Character: Ryan
- Location: When Ryan reaches the bedroom, walk closer to the cabinet that you can interact with. Do not check the door at the far side of the room (opposite the cabinet) or you’ll trigger a cutscene.
Chapter 9: The Sun
- Character: Laura
- Location: After regaining control of Laura, continue onward until you reach a room with a piano. Go up the staircase and grab some clues along the way. On the top floor is a room with open windows. Go near the window on the left-hand side to make this card appear. Do not walk near the other door or that’ll trigger a cutscene.
Chapter 9: Judgement
- Character: Dylan
- Location: Go to the center of the scrapyard and climb on the large metal containers. Walk to the left until this card shows up. Avoid going to the opposite steps near the crane or you’ll trigger a cutscene.
Chapter 9: The Hierophant
- Character: Abigail
- Location: After a short dialogue in the storm shelter, you’ll have control of Abby. Walk to your right until you’re at the stone steps/entrance. The camera will pan to reveal this card.
- Note: This whole part might be missable due to certain outcomes. Likewise, The Hierophant is a fairly special card that we discuss in a separate guide.
Chapter 10: The High Priestess
- Character: Kaitlyn
- Location: Back at the lodge, climb up the stairs at the far side of the room (across from where you entered the lodge). The dorm room is on the second floor, and you’ll see another staircase. Climb that and, once you’re at the attic, walk closer to the corner to make this card pop.
In any case, that does it for the Tarot Card locations in The Quarry. In the next part of our guide series, we’ll talk about what these premonitions and visions entail.
- Second-floor landing
- The High Priestess card
The Quarry is available via Steam.
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Published: Jun 9, 2022 05:50 pm