The Peacekeepers is an Exotic Leg Armor piece for Titans that players can earn in Destiny 2. It’s a useful piece of gear that reloads stowed Submachine Guns and massively improves your handling. Here’s how you can get them for yourself in Destiny 2.
Where to find the Peacekeepers in Destiny 2
The Peacekeepers can be found within any Exotic Engram earned through Ritual Activities in Destiny 2. So by completing Vanguard Strikes, Crucible Matches, or sets of Gambit, there’s a chance you’ll gain the Peacekeepers as a reward. This is of course dependent on you playing as a Titan when unlocking the Engram.

It can also appear as an item sold by Xur when he appears on weekends but due to the huge pool of available items, this is a rarity. It’s worth watching for what he has in stock anyway though. And once you’ve unlocked the Peacekeepers in Destiny 2, you can reroll them again via Red War Leg Decryption with the Cryptarch in the Tower. This process will cost one Exotic Engram, 30,000 Glimmer, and 10 Enhancement Prisms.
How to farm Exotic Engrams
Farming a specific Exotic Engram can often be a frustrating experience since there’s not much you can do to increase your odds of getting a specific item. Bungie has made earning Exotics much easier these days though. Weekly Ritual challenges reward one Exotic Engram for every three activities you complete through Strikes, PvP matches, or through rounds of Gambit.
If you’re unlucky you may struggle to get the Peacekeepers in Destiny 2 in a short timeframe. But if you keep the grind up you’re sure to get the Exotic Armor eventually. I find the best way to go about this is through Crucible matches. Trust me, I know some of us Destiny 2 players don’t like going into PvP very often, but it is the fastest way to grind out Exotic Engrams. So my recommendation is to take the plunge and devote some time to PvP.
If you need a solid weapon to go with the Peacekeepers, check out our guide on the Funnelweb.
Published: Jan 9, 2024 03:10 pm