Wolf Attack Dragon's Dogma 2
Image: Linksobi

Dragon’s Dogma 2 Goblin saves player where Pawns fail

Pawns are supposed to be reliable...

In Dragon’s Dogma 2, you can always count on your Pawns to help you out when in crisis. They’ll catch you when you fall, save you when crippled, and defeat your aggressors. Well, that is unless they’re all mages, apparently.

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Three Mage Pawns were outshone by a Goblin in Dragon’s Dogma 2

Linksobi, a Reddit user, shared their hilarious and uncanny story surrounding a wolf attack.

In the video, we see Linksobi, a Mage, get dragged off by some wolves to get ruthlessly mauled. In true Pawn fashion, the three Mage Pawns rushed to their aid. But instead of battling aside the wolves and rescuing Linksobi, they decided to simply heal the consistent wounds.

It turns out that the Mages would prefer to support and aid their Arisen through healing rather than rescuing, which would send Linksobi down a spiral of constant torturous pain. Thankfully the pain cycle was ended by a rogue Goblin who wanted to join the fight – who quickly became the hero of the story (but not before laughing hysterically).

Attacking the wolves gave Linksobi the brief respite needed to recover and continue to fight.

So it seems that Mages won’t be the ones to pick you up and carry you to safety – that duty must be reserved for the other Vocations on the frontlines, like the Warrior, of Thief.

I’d advise you not to recruit a whole team of Mages, especially if you are yourself. It is as the Pawns themselves say (every second they get the chance), that a mixed team should allow you to tackle anything that comes your way.

Why didn’t the Pawns help?

It’s worth noting that Linksobi made a point of commanding the Pawns to “Help!” This may have influenced their decisions. Naturally, that command would seem to make the most sense, as Linksobi was very much in need of aid.

However, a Mage’s default and priority action when asked to help is to heal the player. This thinking would have overridden the action to attack the wolves or scurry their master to safety.

If you want to hire an all-Mage party, it may be wise in these situations to use the “to me” command, which would draw them closer to you and would leave all their choices open. They may have attacked the Wolves whilst one healed you – you never know.

It may not be as unwise as it seems to hire an all Mage Pawn party in Dragon’s Dogma 2, especially when it comes to healing.

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Image of Aidan Lambourne
Aidan Lambourne
Aidan Lambourne is a contributing writer for PC Invasion, with almost a couple years of experience in the industry. He has written about Roblox extensively, although has keenly covered new releases and indie games. A passionate writer and gamer, he still can't really believe he gets to indulge in both for a career.