Endless Space 2 trailer covers colony expansion

This article is over 7 years old and may contain outdated information

Leading up to release on 19 May, Endless Space 2 is taking a trip through the 4X’s. Today, they’re at Expansion, having already taking a brief look at how the game does Exploration.

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Like other games in the genre, Expansion in Endless Space 2 means figuring out a strategically astute place to start a new colony, protecting your civilian vessels as they head over there, and constructing some early support buildings. A spaceport is needed if you want to transfer population back and forth between worlds, and luxury resources can speed up new colonial development in useful ways.

Where Endless Space 2 differs from some other 4X titles is the asymmetry of its factions;  which extends to how some of them go about colonising worlds. The Vodyani don’t even settle on planets, they just remain in orbit in massive arks, leeching resources and planetary life force. Lumeris, meanwhile, can simply purchase colonies if they wish.

Here’s the video, which also touches on terraforming. For more about Endless Space 2, read (or watch) our interview with Amplitude co-founder Romain de Waubert de Genlis.

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