What lies behind the mysterious House Chest in Hogwarts Legacy? Early on in the game, you can begin the side quest The Daedalian Keys to learn about enchanted, flying keys that appear around the castle and unlock cabinets all throughout it.
After collecting all 16 of the House Tokens which are obtained through the Daedalian Keys, you’ll open the chest which grants you a special reward. So where do you find each cabinet? Here’s how to unlock the House Chest in Hogwarts Legacy with a full keys location guide.
How to unlock the House Chest in Hogwarts Legacy – Daedalian Keys location guide
It’s not hard to find the keys, so long as you keep your ears open. The keys make a sound, and they appear highlighted in blue with Revelio. The cabinets can be found at these locations, with the keys flying around nearby.
To help you find the Daedalian Keys, you should first locate the cabinets. I recommend doing this because the Daedalian Keys are always within the same vicinity as the cabinets. Also, use Revelio often. It helps a lot.
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One cabinet is located next to the Grand Staircase Floo Station.

There’s a cabinet to the right of the Library Floo Station. The key is to the right of the Floo Flame hiding among the bookshelves.

Next, go inside the top floor of the Clock Tower. You’ll need Alohomora Level One to open the door. Go up the stairs several flights to find the key, and follow it up to the very top.

Down the stairs from the Hospital Wing in front of the Prefect’s Bathroom is where you’ll find another one. Use the Hospital Wing Floo Station, then go downstairs past a statue. Walk down the long hallway to find the key and follow it back to the cabinet.

Go to the Faculty Tower area, by the staircase on the bottom floor to find another. The key is up the stairs. Go get it, and follow it back down.

Go down two flights of stairs from the Defense Against The Dark Arts Tower Floo Station, then to the right of the staircase straight ahead and to the left.

Up the largest staircase in Central Hall, after climbing four flights of stairs total is the location of another one.

Also in the Central Hall, down the stairs towards the Transfiguration Courtyard, and then right by the puzzle door.

You’ll find another cabinet right down the hall from the Potions Classroom.

A cabinet sits near the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Station past the rhinoceros skeleton. You’ll hear the key nearby. Go get it and follow it back.

Find a cabinet upstairs from the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Station in the Astronomy Wing. Turn around after taking the Floo there, then take a left in the North Hall. The key is in front of you, so grab it and follow it back upstairs.

Follow the previous steps, but go downstairs from the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Station. You’ll hear the key down below, and it’ll take you back up the steps.

Take the Transfiguration Classroom Floo Flames again, but this time keep going past the Sleeping Dragon statue in the Slytherin Dungeon area of the castle. Head down the hall to find the key, then follow it until you reach a massive room filled with casks.

Take the Viaduct Courtyard Floo, in the Great Hall area, for this next key. Go up the stairs and through the entrance to the Great Hall and go upstairs. Follow the key back down and to the right, next to the boar statue.

Take the Great Hall Floo and go left to find the key. It’ll take you up a nearby staircase to the next cabinet.

Also starting from inside the Great Hall, go through the set of double doors on the right into the courtyard area. Cut through the courtyard to the right past the statue and down the steps through the stone opening. You’ll then follow the key down the staircases into the Quad Courtyard and finally to the left past the next staircase and by a door to the inside to find the cabinet.
The reward for finding all the keys and cabinets

With every token collected, return to the House Chest in your common room and deposit all the tokens. You will receive a Relic House Uniform robe gear appearance that glows when you cast a spell. It’s pretty cool!
The Relic House Uniform matches the house you chose at the beginning of the game, and in my opinion, it’s the coolest-looking cloak in the entire game. Yeah hunting down all 16 Daedalian Keys can be a chore, but getting the Relic House Uniform is more than worth it.

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Published: Nov 15, 2023 01:37 pm