Since the launch of Fortnite, the Save the World game mode has been receiving updates along with the battle royale. Previously, the game mode offered players randomized llama loot boxes. As you would be given random rewards, there was no guarantee of getting the loot you wanted. Although many people enjoyed trying their luck, the loot boxes were not for everyone. Therefore, due to the negative feedback surrounding the randomized loot boxes in Fortnite, Epic Games removed them. They were then replaced by llama loot boxes which allowed you to see the contents before purchase.
The impact of the randomized loot boxes went even further though when Epic Games was hit with a lawsuit. Almost two years later, Epic is now compensating players who purchased a randomized loot box in the Save the World game mode.
Compensating your Fortnite randomized loot box purchases
In a recent Epic Games blog post, the developer outlined what action it will take. If you purchased a randomized loot reward, you will be given 1,000 V-Bucks. This applies to any player, even if you were happy with the loot that you received. Although the legal settlement applied to the United States, Epic decided to make the benefit available worldwide. It is important to note that if you purchased multiple randomized loot boxes in Save the World, you will only get one grant of 1,000 V-Bucks.
If you are eligible to receive the 1,000 V-Bucks, you do not need to do anything to claim them. You should see the currency in your account within the next few days. There are various options for you to use your 1,000 V-Bucks on. If you have not already, you can purchase the Battle Pass to add even more loot to your locker. Alternately, you may want to get involved with some of the various crossovers in Fortnite, such as Street Fighter.
Published: Feb 23, 2021 11:30 am